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Getting Started – for administrators

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To get started please follow the steps below:

  • Create an account for application by clicking on the “User Registration” link
    – Fill out and submit the Registration form (select setup a new organization for Registration Type dropdown)
  • Register your Organization After confirming registration, log in to the application and click on “Setup a new Organization” link.
  • Initial Organization setup The application hierarchy is as follows:
    • Organization
    • Location – a specific branch of the organization
    • Activity/Event – the service or event that needs to be planned and scheduled (i.e. Sunday 1st Service)
      -> Activity Workgroup – the skill group needed for the Activities (i.e. Sanctuary Ushers, Parking lot Ushers, etc.)
    • Activity Instance – specific date and time for the Activity (i.e. Sunday 1st Service on December 25th, 2013)
    • Activity Instance Workgroup – specific workgroup for the Activity Instance (i.e. Sanctuary Ushers on December 25th, 2013) To setup an organization,
    1. Create a location by clicking on the “Manage my Organization(s)” section
      Click on “View/Edit” button next to your Organization name
      Click on “Create new Location” button, on the pop-up window, enter the name for your current branch or location
      After saving the new location, you will be redirected to the Location detail page. Note: you should also now have an admin menu at the top of the page.
    2. After completing the setup for the Location details, you can use the admin buttons on the page to navigate to the remaining steps
      *note: you can also utilize the Admin menu at the top of the page to complete the remainder of the setup.
    3. Create the necessary skills (i.e. Guitarist, Pianist, Usher, etc.)
    4. Create Activity (i.e. Sunday 1st Service)
      Add the necessary workgroups to this activity. Workgroups allow you to specify the skills and the number of volunteers needed.
      Add the recurrence (when/how often the event occurs) Add the scheduling rules if necessary
    5. Add Volunteers/Users – add the initial volunteers that you are looking to schedule.
      Be sure to update volunteer availability and scheduling prefereces if necessary
    6. Go to the Manage Activity page, edit the Activity created in the previous step
      Turn on the Auto-scheduling feature by selecting enable in the dropdown
    7. Save your settings.
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